How it works

Something not quite right? Not a problem. Returns are possible within 30 days of purchase -- no questions asked. Please note that final sale items are not eligible for a return. If your item is damaged and your purchase date falls outside our standard return window, then please contact Please remember to include your order number and add photos.

How much do returns cost?

For all US Returns, If you return the goods using our return label, you will be charged an amount of $5, which will be deducted from your refund.
We must ask our Canadian customers to book their own returns -- we're very sorry! Please use any shipping carrier you'd like.
All returns will be refunded to the original payment method.

How do I start a return?

It’s super, super easy. Visit our Return Center to start your return. You’ll need the email address associated with your purchase and order number or tracking number — your choice.
Next, you’ll receive step-by-step instructions and a shipping label, also sent to your email.

For our Canadian customers, please use your preferred shipping carrier with the return shipping address provided through our return portal. You can choose any shipping carrier you like, please just state the RMA number on the outside of your return package - thank you!

Can I make an exchange?

It is currently not possible to place a direct exchange. We must ask that you return your item and place a new order.

Do I need to return the product in its original packaging?

We just ask that each item is packed back into the exact "no-plastic" bag it came in.
There is a matching sticker on each bag, please double check that it matches your item - thank you!

Is an order slip required?

Nope! We have all the information we need, so long as your returned product still has its original tags intact and you use the shipping label we provide to you.

Where can I find my shipping label?

Once you start your return, you’ll receive step-by-step instructions and a return shipping label which we’ll also be sent to your email for easy access.

What should I do if I receive the wrong product?

Sorry about that! After starting your return, select ‘received wrong item’ under ‘reason for return’, and proceed through the exchange.
Your preferred item will ship to you the minute your return is being scanned!

When will i get my refund?

Once your return is received back at our warehouse it will be inspected within 3-5 business days. Please allow up to 7-10 business days for the refund to show up on your account.

More questions?

If you need any help from customer support team, please reach out to
Please remember to include your order number and add photos, if helpful.